OnePlus has announcement for June 1st, says “time to change”

‘The Image that was used on Google Plus to indicate the launch event’

OnePlus came up on Google+ this week and opened up its plans for a further announcement on 1st June 2015, claiming that it always is looking for ways to shake up the tech industry and also that the “time to change” has come.

Though we are really skeptical about the company plans to launch OnePlus Two now, it is highly unlikely that the manufacturer will announce the device now and not in the Q3. So what would it be? We think that it might be a budget variant of OnePlus One coming at a very reasonable price.

From quite sometime now, there have been talks and rumors about a mid-range speced device in development at OnePlus, which will have resemblance to OnePlus- with 1.55GHz processor, 2GB RAM and FHD Screen and very aggressive pricing would follow the device.

Time to change can also state the fact that the time to pay very high price for a decent device has gone and OnePlus is here to change the notion. What do you guys think about what would be announced at the OnePlus event on 1st June? Let us know in the comment section below. Until next time, keep Androtrending!

*no official confirmation till now, these specs are just indicative

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