Updated Google Maps now will show Personalized Results
Google Maps is updated to show you personalized results within the app for queries like my events, my appointments to get results about your events and appointments fed into Google Calendar or any other Google services. Google is known for exercising innovations but this has been in Google search for quite a long time. Users can search the same on Google search to get relevant results. This mechanism works through your search history, already recorded items in your Google services and Gmail.
The App will notify you when it update itself with the capability to Show Personalized Results.
Google Play Store was also updated to v5.5
Google Play Store was quietly updated yesterday, some users received the new update on their android devices. The update carrying the version 5.5 was spotted on Android Devices in US. Though we have no change-log available yet, the update seems to bring some changes in transitions and animations as reported by Kirill Grouchnikov, a Google Employ.
Transitions will now shift to Circular based transitions leaving the Material Design Implementations.
Did you guys receive the update yet? Tell us about how you like the inclusion of Personalized results on Google Maps, and the circular animations on the Google Play Store in the comment box below. Until next time, Keep Androtrending!