Tinder Verified Profiles are here, for Public figures and Celebrities

Tinder is among the best dating apps available in the market right now, the app has millions of regular users and not all of them are just you and me, normal people, there are celebrities too, swiping left-right an trying to find a connection, a Date.


There was news that Hillary duff and Leonardo Di Caprio were using the dating site, but we were not abel to find confirmation as the CEO and representatives believed in user privacy but now, with the inclusion of this thing, right here, inclusion of Verified Profiles for Public figures, Celebrities and known people of all kind.

Tinder Verified

Is Sharma Uncle’s Son getting included? Who destroyed my school life? No, Not yet. (humor)

The point of verified profiles is that many people are trying to impose as know celebs, which can, in log run hurt the company’s image and working, so the company is here with the solution, you’ll see a tick when you’ll come across such a person, that’ll let you know, that they are who you think they are and not a imposer who is just trying to stalk you.

We included the app in our best dating apps list, look here for more contenders.

What do you guys think of Tinder’s Veridfied Profiles? Let us know in the comment box below. Until next time, Keep Androtrending!

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