Samsung Galaxy J7 is an affordable sub-15k smartphone by Samsung, featuring average to above average specifications; Samsung is finally making attempts to fill in the gap between brand reliability, performance and affordability.
But, smartphone has a persistent WiFi Issue that forces it to constantly connect and disconnect from the network and people have reported it to be quite irritating at moments. But, I have a solution for you guys, and it will return your smartphone functioning to normal just after a few clicks. Here you go:
1) Go to the Dialer app.
2) Type in *#0011#
3) Secret Service menu will open.
4)Go to three dots overflow, click on WiFi.

4) You’ll be greeted by WiFi Stats with WiFi Power Saver Mode.
5) Turn WiFi power saver mode OFF.
6) From now, you won’t expereince any WiFi issue whatsoever.
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