Have you heard WhatsApp Latest Calling feature? If you haven’t then Facebook Owned WhatsApp has rolled on an Update that secretly adds calling functionality to your Device, this feature enables you to call anyone for free on WhatsApp and this works really well. Better than Facebook Messenger’s calling feature where we experienced frequent call drops and voice cracking.
Click here to know how to check Someone’s Whatsapp Profile even when you are Blocked.
But you still can’t make calls even if you are on the latest WhatsApp version, what you need is to someone already having this facility to call you.
You must be on the latest version of WhatsApp to do this, go into play store and check. This feature is invite based only and you need to find someone who can do it for you, a 15 second call is enough to kick start your WhatsApp Calling Feature. WhatsApp’s Calling Server was down for maintenance issues but now it’s up again and you can now ask anyone to call you and see if you get this thing working.
StepWise –
- Install latest version of WhatsApp, at least to v2.11.xx
- Alternatively you can download from WhatsApp Official Site (v2.12.xx).
- Install it, if you get unknown sources error, go to Settings–Security-Check install from unknown sources.
- Get someone to call you, who already has the feature.
Click here to know how to check Someone’s Whatsapp Profile even when you are Blocked.
If you can’t find someone to do this for you, Like our facebook page and then message us. Please don’t put your number up in comment section as it can used in activities you won’t like.