Reports have come that the Popular Photos App will continue to upload your photos even after the App is Uninstalled, some users as well as bloggers reported that even after uninstalling the application from their smartphone, they saw their latest photos on google servers, backed up.
What is the Cause?
Photos App is not just an Android App but its roots can be found in Google Play Services which is also the service used by the former to upload and download photos from google servers. To be more precise, think of Photos App just as a Front-end app for the main application Google Play Services, which does the real work – Uploading the pictures.
Photos App does the Photo Processing by its intelligent 10-layer algorithm that breaks down pictures to understand them better, and gives you better filtering options by the process.
What you can do to stop this?
Now that we know who does the Upload thing, head on to Google Play Services, Go to Google Photos backup, Click on the switch, Turn it Off and you are good to go.
How to Enable it again?
Install the Photos App, Ofcourse you need it for better management of your photos, and it will itself ask you to enable Photo backup. Just enable that, Select the upload quality/resolution and you are good to go.
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