Google’s Gmail Spam filter will use Machine Learning

Google’s Gmail will now use Machine Learning to carefully determine and root out Spam from your Gmail Account, Google said in a Blogpost that the company has now updated its machine learning capabilities that will help you get rid off what’s left of the Spam that inevitably reaches your Gmail Inbox, it went to further state that we can further improve machine learning b tapping on Report Spam and not Spam When you are prompted. This will ensure that your Inbox will always be according to your liking, because a weekly newsletter can be productive for some people while for someone its just a pain, plain pain.


Starting from now google has updated its engine that it also uses in Google Now and Search that helps it to give users a tailored experience by learning from many user activities they perform. Key points that are discussed in the Post are :

•For starters, the spam filter now uses an artificial neural network to detect and block the especially sneaky spam—the kind that could actually pass for wanted mail.

•We also recognise that not all inboxes are alike. So while your neighbour may love weekly email newsletters, you may loathe them. With advances in machine learning, the spam filter can now reflect these individual preferences.

•Finally, the spam filter is better than ever at rooting out email impersonation—that nasty source of most phishing scams. Thanks to new machine learning signals, Gmail can now figure out whether a message actually came from its sender, and keep bogus email at bay.

That’s state of art technology used at the right place. Let us know if you have any questions. Until next time, Keep Androtrending!

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