Apple who sold a mere 20% smartphones in Q1 of 2015 but startling facts tell us that the manufacturer gained much much more than any other vendor in the quarter, its profit was 92% which are some of the most astonishing figures in the history of smartphone business.
Samsung stood a way less at 15% with Galaxy S6 sales not with sync with the hype and expectation it created, and has a tough time in the future ahead.
According to a Wall Street Journal Report, there were almost a thousand different companies producing smartphones, most them which registered negligible impact on Apple’s Stats. Even though Apple manage to sell only 20% of the overall smartphones in the market, its Profit were mind-blowing and its not only because of the fact that the company has managed to keep product prices astonishing high, but also because of the company’s attempt to create a unified experience and a very comforting ecosystem. Unlike that of Android where, every OEM has its own set of Quality standards and where no one is afraid to drop quality in context to more sales.
With only a couple of devices a year the company has managed to retain a higher number of people who upgrade technology annually, with regular updates which can be even installed to aged smartphones like the iPhone 4S, company has kept every user in its list and managed to capture hearts.
Android on the other hand has turned to a disastrous battle between companies who have stood in the market for a while and companies who are young, producing smartphones and selling them at just mere cost are very ordinary practices which has undoubtedly troubled bi players like Samsung, Sony and many other who have been here for a while.
And Google?
Every android device sold is a profit incurring machine for our beloved search engine, through its main source of income: Advertising. Google won’t ever interfere in this market disruption caused by low-quality android smartphones because each of them comes loaded with Google Play Services, which is without doubt Google’s profit earning powerhouse and which is too google’s main concerns of the future, with Huawei Partnership the Mountain View Giant aims at a App Store in China, which has always been someplace, the latter, wasn’t able to gets its hands on.
There is just one place where GPServices cannot coexist with android and that’s China, and that is Google’s primary concern right now.
Google has also partnered with Blackberry to create an Enterprise version of Android which is focused mainly for Android at Work, but as it seems, blackberry is also at the verge of joining android and dropping its BlackberryOS which may seem unlikely but it can be a reality if Blackberry current market situation is analyzed.
Coming back to Apple, we see a product launching coming up in the near future with two iPhones lined up as iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus which will both offer the same design but better overall internal structural hardware, that’s what apple is all about- better control over its market. News came that Samsung, in order to avoid conflicts with the upcoming iPhone launching shifted its Note 5 IFA launching to an earlier launch date, while this is the best strategy Samsung would adopt to boost sales just before iPhone’s arrival, this explains Apple’s market condition.
As for Samsung launching that is right around the corner, we have heard that Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is coming up with another Galaxy, the Galaxy S6 Edge Plus which is an unnecessary 5.7 inch upgrade to the Galaxy S6 Edge which was launched a mere 4 months ago.
With inputs from WallStreetJournal