Youtube Gaming is live on Play Store and Web

Google has now jumped right in the gameplay streaming sector, a market which is already dominated by Twitch, which is very popular between gamers and enthusiasts but for sometime the service would be just for users in US and UK.

It’s like YouTube, built just for gamers.

It’s an ecosystem built on an Android App and a Website, providing support for live streaming. The App will support broadcast with standard copyright check, as Google seems to be very strict over its copyright policy. Company has officially said that the broadcast will be terminated if any instances of third party content is found, including music.

BBC reported that Google named YouTube Gaming attempt as an opportunity for gamers who are not yet streaming their games, to get online and on competition from Amazon-owned Twitch, BBC said that competitions such as DailyMotion and Twitch will continue to emerge and YouTube has to keep up.

Here is the link to YouTube Gaming Website and App.

Source: BBC

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