Rewire : Use This App To Learn Some Good Habits

Rewire is the right app when it come to making a good habit, don’t you have some cool ideas to make your life better but you can’t make them your habits, you can’t be consistent over them and that is why they don’t actually help you.

The Key is Consistency!

How to be consistent? is a tough question. Monitoring yourself is hard at times, you slip track of the things now and then, don’t worry REWIRE APP will help you in the case.

Did you know that doing a task for 21 days makes it a Habit?

This app will keep you notifying, reminding that you need to get the task done for 21 days and when it completes- you’ll more or less feel that the task is already in your veins and if that’s not the case then you can still continue to use the app to make sure you stay on track.

Download the app through Google Play Store.

Click on the “+” sign add a Habit.

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Fill in other details.

Now You Are Good To Go. Just track your progress and never miss a day to make sure you learn the Habit in 21 days.

When you complete a day’s habit make the dot of that day-Green and keep doing it until you surpass 21 days. If you miss a day, the mark will turn Red and you’ll have to start from zero again so, work hard and never miss a day.

Also if and only if you mistakenly forget to do the task, then head out and make the red dot Blue which will give you the ability to retain the days stats. Don’t take this feature for granted, it will reduce overall app’s productivity.

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The App Lets you assess your progress in great thoughtful and statistical way. Below are Some Example Screenshots that will give you more clear idea about how the graphic representation works.


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What do you think about the post? Can a App help you learn some good habits? Let us know in the comment box below. Until Next Time, Keep Androtrending!



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