How To know Who Unfriend You On Facebook

Ever wondered who deleted you on Facebook? How someone that once was all over your Facebook Newsfeed suddenly disappear? They’ve deleted you or worse, they have blocked you but how can one be sure? If they have deleted you, one can just search the name up in the search space and their name and profile pic should show up- traditional Facebook style.

Whatever may be the case, this app can help. This app will buzz the sirens off as soon as someone unfriends you on Facebook.

It works just as the Twitter app “Who Unfollowed Me”, you will have to install the app, authorise it with your account and done, it will do what it is supposed to.

Download it here for Android and iOS.

But, there is a catch, it will start working from when you give the access of your Facebook account and not before. So, if someone has deleted you before you install the application, you will not be notified- we suggest you to keep the app installed to know when someone deletes you.

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